Beneficiary: 3D FORMAT Adam Szopa, Leszek Balcarczyk sp. j. is implementing the project entitled “Automated System of Precise Volume Measurements – VolumeMonit” within the framework of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020, Sub-measure 4.1.4.

The objective of the project is to develop a measurement system based on low-altitude photogrammetry to provide fast, accurate and frequent results on bulk material volumes.

The project will result in the implementation of 3D Format’s automated volumetric measurement service into the company’s operations.

Project value: PLN 2,903,085.17
EU funds contribution: PLN 2,383,874.69
Project implemented in the period 01.10.2020 – 30.06.2023

The objective of the project is to develop an automated volumetric measurement system “VolumeMonit” based on the low-altitude photogrammetry technique using non-metric images. The system will be used by 3D Format, which is the Leader of this project, to provide regular volume measurement services to the Polish market. This project will be implemented as part of a consortium that, in addition to the Leader, 3D Format sp. j., includes the Silesian University of Technology and the AGH University in Krakow.

The main critical objectives of the project are to achieve at the completion stage of the project a calculation accuracy of 1% error, a 2-day measurement frequency, and a significant acceleration of the entire process of calculating the volume of piles and heaps (up to a maximum of 4 h), due to the introduction of automation of image acquisition and calculation. The project involves i.a. the development of an accurate method of calculating volume based on low-altitude photogrammetry, as well as photogrammetric algorithms optimizing the efficiency and length of UAV flight time for volumetric measurements.

More information on the project:

Mr. Leszek Balcarczyk, e-mail:

As of 20.11.2023, the project entered the sustainability phase, which will last 3 years.

Deployment is planned for 2024, which will involve introducing VolumeMonit into own operations. It will be preceded by the buyout of intellectual property from consortium members.

Further activities are planned for the development of the system involving cooperation with the first customers in co-creating the target shape of VolumeMonit, as well as raising further external funds to finance the activities.